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Finding sustanable solutions to reduce our ecological footprint

At Ooredoo, we are committed to the highest standards of environmental protection. As an industry leader, we are working to the best of our ability to reduce our ecological footprint. Our digital products and services assist customers in reducing their impact on the environment. We aim to leave a sustainable legacy so that we, and our customers, can contribute to a greener earth and a safer environment.

Download our 2022 ESG report

More about our environmental policy

For further info on our policies and guidelines, please click on the Governance tab


As a community-focused company, we are guided by a vision of using our services to enrich people’s lives and stimulate human growth. We believe in the power of mobile technology as an enabler, to bring about social and economic progress.


Our Support for a Speak-up Policy (whistleblowing): Encouraging openness to prevent problems.

Ooredoo wants to work with staff and customers to ensure the highest ethical standards are upheld. This requires a fair and proper process for identifying and resolving any potential wrongdoing.

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Ooredoo Oman has a zero tolerance towards harassment and bullying and takes all matters raised very seriously


HSE encompasses a range of procedures, policies, and regulations to minimize hazards, prevent accidents and injuries, and promote sustainable practices.


Related-Party Transaction, is a deal or arrangement between two parties who are joined by a pre-existing business relationship or common interest. For example, entities frequently carry on parts of their activities through Subsidiary Companies, joint ventures and Associate Companies. In these circumstances, the Company's ability to affect the financial and operating policies & decisions of the investee is through the presence of Control, joint Control or Significant Influence. Although these types of transactions are legal, they potentially could create a conflict of interest, or lead to another situation that is illegal.


Our compliance with international standards: Ensuring quality customer experience by winning repeated ISO certification.

Ooredoo works hard to ensure its products and services meet ISO (International Organization for Standardization) criteria and we are recognised globally for our efforts. We are proud to be the only telecommunications company in Oman to have achieved many of our Certifications:

Download our ISO Certifications

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Ooredoo Always available for you,

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