Businesses Can Stay Connected with Ooredoo’s Maktabi+ - Ooredoo Oman


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Muscat | 31 ديسمبر، 2019

The leading telecoms company is ensuring businesses stay connected when subscribing to Maktabi+ packages. Offering an advanced level of service and cost-effective solutions, this ‘office in a box’ caters to the growing number of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and small offices/home offices (SOHOs) across Oman by providing them with unlimited internet on a 10Mbps fixed line internet bandwidth with extra mobile lines.

Sultan bin Ahmed Al Wahaibi, Chief Business and Wholesale Officer at Ooredoo, said, “With our world becoming more digital, our Maktabi+ is designed to support businesses to stay connected and work more efficiently. We believe that connectivity is key in getting companies off the ground and allowing them to reach their full potential with ease, and our Maktabi+ does just that. Users can access innovative solutions which deliver greater benefits, cost savings and higher quality internet every step of the way through the use of our seamless network.”

Available to new and existing customers on a one-year contract for OMR 50 monthly, Maktabi+ comprises a landline and four mobile lines, with included minutes, data and free calls between colleagues in addition to high-speed internet. To find out more, visit or any of their 63 stores located across Oman.